Friday, November 24, 2017

Vayeitzei:Friday:Lev Lavan-The Heart of Lavan

11/24/17, 8:20 AM - Gal Einai: *Vayeitzei: Friday: Lev Lavan – The Heart of Lavan*

_“And Jacob stole_ *Lavan’s heart*, _not telling him that he was fleeing.”_ In Hebrew, the word _Lavan_ is spelled lamed, _beit_, _nun_. The first two letters, _lamed_ and _beit_, spell the word _lev_, which means ‘heart’. When the letters _lev_, heart, are stolen from _Lavan_, all that is left is the final nun, which alludes to _nefila_h, falling.

Jacob took from Lavan the holy sparks that were in captivity by him. This is the lev, the heart, of Lavan. After this clarification was completed, there was no reason to stay. It was imperative to flee quickly and whatever was left of the husk would fall by itself - the vitality had already exited.

One of the things that Jacob acquired by Lavan was the wisdom of leadership. Shepherding is preparation for leadership, as we see with Moses and King David. Abraham and Isaac also had flocks, but they had shepherds. Jacob, on the other hand, was actively  and deeply involved and shepherded the flocks with devotion for twenty years.

If so, the lev, heart of Lavan is the wisdom of leading a state. Lavan thought that Jacob was completely with him in leadership of the state. Suddenly, he understands that it was all a charade, a leadership school - and that in truth, Jacob, already equipped with the wisdom of leadership,  the lev, heart, of Lavan, is going to lead his own state.

*The translations this week are l’ilui nishmat Alteh Necheh bat R’ Chaim Nuta and R’ Elimelech ben Moshe*.

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