Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Soul of the Convert and Much More

Converts are the vehicle by which supernal souls descend.....

All these holy and high Neshamot that are designated by the Blessed Holy One to go down below, as we explained, go out at specific times to play in Paradise. There they meet the souls of converts. One that takes hold of one of these souls, and unites with it, merits it, envelops itself within it, and goes out..."

All these holy souls come down into this world to inspire human beings and to take their places as is fitting for each one of them. When they come down each one clothed in those souls that we discussed [the souls of the converts], and that is how they enter into the holy seed......

The Nefesh of the convert is a garment that envelops the higher souls from the levels of Neshama and Ruach, and it is through this exterior garment that envelops them that the Neshamot and Ruchot enter into the physical world. In other words, the Nefesh of the converts is the interface between the higher souls and the physical world. SO WORTHWHILE TO READ/LEARN - FOUND HERE
There are the Nefashot of converts that fall out from the Kelipah of Nogah, which is composed of good and evil, as mentioned in Parshat Vayakhel, pg 203. They are from the marital intercourse of the souls of the tzadikim [righteous ones] that take place every night in the earthly Garden of Paradise, as mentioned in Beshalach, pg 188....... found here
And a big thanks to Rabbi Pinchas Winston who opens the eyes of those searching for emes. 

Will we recognize Kibbutz Golios once it begins? Yes and no, or rather, no and yes. Apparently there are two phases of the ingathering of the exiles. The first one occurs prior to the arrival of Moshiach, over time, and is less noticeable. The second one will be after Moshiach’s arrival, will occur at once, and will be apparent to all, as the following indicates: It is quite well known that God works measure-for-measure. Those who lived in the Diaspora and made efforts and sacrifices to elevate themselves by moving to the Holy Land merited purity of soul. They were not so concerned about their finances and health. They traveled over vast lands and crossed seas, not paying attention to the possibilities of drowning, being robbed along the way, or being taken captive by some strange foreign ruler. Being that they placed priority of their spirit over materialism and physicality, they merit, measure-for-measure, to be elevated to this lofty spiritual plane. On the other hand, you who also had opportunities to go up to Israel, but remained hesitant and reluctant, enamored instead with your materialistic status, making materialism a higher priority than spiritual growth, therefore, measure-for-measure, remain physical . . . However, for those who valued their soul most, they will be transformed into supernal beings and will be led into the earthly Garden of Eden. (Tuv HaAretz: Praise Of Those Who Dwell In Israel At The Time Of Moshiach)  read in full here 

I found Tuv HaAretz on Chabad and I am learning so much! I highly recommend everyone to read it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Hour of Fortune

This is a story about a king and his faithful servant called Yisroel. The King had many servants in the royal palace.........Of all the servants in the royal palace, the king favored Yisroel.....

....There was something in the way he served his Majesty the King. He did all in his power to please the king and to bring him delight and contentment. No wonder why the king favored him more than all the other servants in the royal palace....

 The king wished to promote Yisroel but to do so he had to pass a test.

....King: "Now, in appreciation for the many years of your faithful service, I am going to let you go into my room of treasures and permit you to take for yourself anything you wish." 

The king's favored servant, Yisroel, had but one hour 
in the room to gather treasures

......he passed through the two golden gates and headed for a large heap of sparkling diamonds piled up on the floor of the room.

......He reached out with both hands and was just about ready to dig his fingers in the pile of diamonds when all of a sudden something very strange happened, something very strange indeed.

For some mysterious reason, he remained standing completely motionless. He just stood there, gazing at the sparkling diamonds, without making any move at all.......


The king knew that Yisroel loved to listen to music. He enjoyed music more than anything else. So the king appointed one of the finest musicians to come along with him into the room of treasures and ordered him to play the finest pieces of music for one full hour. And this was the test. The king wanted to see what choice Yisroel would make. Would he spend every precious moment gathering up the royal treasures for himself? Or would he waste these precious moments just listening to music?

....Yisroel thought to himeslef, "Oh what lovely music. I must listen to this. I will spend just a few minutes listening to such fine music. And for the rest of the hour, I will gather these treasures for myself".....

Well, it just didn't happen that way, for just as a few minutes passed and the violinist noticed the Yisroel heading for the pile of diamonds, he began to play another piece of music. It was even more enchanting and finer than the music he played before....

Again and again this repeated itself until the hour was up.

Yisroel sadly bowed his head before the king.......and left the royal room of treasures empty-handed.

Well (dear readers), I would like you to know that there is something special about this story. That is, this is not just another story that happened a long, long, time ago. In fact, it's happening right now, and you are in the story!

For the king is this story is HaShem, the King of all kings, the Creator of the heavens and earth. And the servant in this story, why that's you! And the royal room of treasures, that is right here on the lovely world we live in. You see, HaShem places us on this world to live for a certain amount of time, and during this time we have to gather all of the wonderful treasures that He placed here.

.......So, let us remember this story, and whenever the Yetzer Hara tries to keep us from doing anything that's good, or tempts us to do anything wrong, let's not pay any attention to him at all. Instead, let's learn more and more Torah, and do as many mitzvos as we possibly can. And for this, HaShem will surely bless us all with a long life in good health and true happiness for all of us to enjoy, both on this world and in the world to come.

A gut gebentsht yohr,” 
“A good and blessed year” 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Am I Feeding the Sitra Achra?

 What happened today at work is rather funny. I opened the box of office supplies delivered to our floor and among the items in the box was this face mask. 

Now why in the world would the supply office send this to an early childhood center? I did not place the order for the supplies, yet I was the lucky one to open and distribute. Is this happenstance? Hmmm, I don't think so. Especially with all that is taking place now with riots, stabbings from the ISIS brainwashed puppets, etc. We called the office supply vendor - it was a mistake in packing. Nope, I think it could be a clear message to me to get for my family. I have been told by a blogger that by talking about all the bad taking place - I am feeding the dark side and making it stronger. Thoughts anyone? I direct you to this exciting blog post

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jewish Matzeva-Headstone?

Do you see what I see? 2 doves with their beaks down facing towards each other. I see 2 vav's with a shin between them - a zayin on the left - a shin in the middle and a bent over dalet that at first glance I thought could be a gimel. Nu? What do you see? 

Do leave in the comments links of other matzevot if you would be so kind to help me out. This was found on my great grandmother and grandfather's headstone in the year 1954 when grandma died - "zeide" died in 1946. My reader's know my story. 

Please email to those you know ie monument engravers, Jewish cemetery 
researchers, etc.. . so excited at the possibility of this indeed being a Jewish engraving. Please forward this post around the world. I would be forever grateful - thank you!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Keys to Parnasa Part I

Parnasa Deterrents from Keys to Parnasa

Advice and Segulos for Parnasa and Wealth
A Treasure Trove From Our Sages and Rabbinical 
Authorities Throughout the Ages

Supported and encouraged by my master and teacher
Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a

Maran HaGaon HaRav CHAIM KANIEVSKY shlit"a

After reviewing this work the Rav said,
It is accurate information from Chazal. With HaShem's help, may it yield the desired results. Blessing and success to all who will use it.

Over the years, many people have asked me to compile advice and segulos for parnasa and wealth from the wisdom of Chazal and from what I received verbally and in writing from gedolei Yisroel. We find in the midrash (Yalkut Shimoni, Mishlei 960): "If you come to take advice from the Torah, you may do so." Having seen much success from those who followed this counsel, I agreed to publish it.

May this work increase the honor of Torah and its splendor and be beneficial to the readers: they should be blessed from the Source of all blessings and merit a life of wealth, honor and all good.

Eagerly anticipating salvation,
Aharon Yehoshua Pessin
Sivan 5776

(if typing errors - they are from this blogger. I hope to have Part II 1-28 up as fast as I can type it.)

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)

43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))

 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

CNN is Prepping Us

We are getting prepped by CNN for the BIG ONE. The NWO leaders have given them the green light to announce to us what is going on. Wondering when the moving trucks will be seen heading to the bunkers. Have supplies on hand. 

(CNN) It's beginning to look a lot like Star Wars in our universe. Ours just happens to have even more Tatooine-like planets attached to multiple stars.

This year, we've already seen discoveries like a planet orbiting two stars, then there was a planet orbiting three stars and now, researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science have found three giant exoplanets orbiting twin stars. One star hosts two planets, and the second star hosts the third planet.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Remember My Fracking Posts?

I posted about the dangers of fracking here and here back in February of this year. 

If you missed it: The Oklahoma Corporation Commission is telling operators to shut down 35 disposal wells that may have played a role in a 5.6-magnitude earthquake that shook at least six states Saturday, Gov. Mary Fallin said.

The disposal wells, which are linked to fracking and other industries that need to dispose of toxic waste water by injecting it deep into the earth, have recently drawn concern that they may actually induce earthquakes.

CNN news Oklahoma Earthquake