Thursday, December 22, 2016

Mussar - We all Need a Refresher Course at times

A readers comment is below from Rabbi Menachem
and I do believe it is worth its weight in gold - 
and so I have copied it here - 

Dear brothers, sisters, friends and fellow readers,

     I am saddened to learn that so many people push away the messages that Rav Menachem shares. I understand some of the many reasons as I too hesitated to accept the "doom and gloom" the "conspiracy theories" and all of that. 
  •  Can it be that the world, as we know, will EVER come to an end?
  •   Can it be that some "truths" we took for granted are not true? 

Could it be the lifestyle we are living is not quite what Hashem intended for us? 
That we need to adjust, large or small, to align ourselves with the Ratzon Hashem - the Will of Hashem.... 
  • But I keep Shabbos!?
  • But I keep kosher!?
  • But I give charity!?
  • I host people who need a warm house!?
  • But I daven three times a day with minyan!?
  • But I learn Daf Yomi!?
  • Etc, Etc, Etc

  • But I also make Bar Mitzvahs for tens of thousands of dollars.
  • But I also don't have Kavana (focused intent) when praying.
  • But I also spend most of Shabbos sleeping/drinking/reading magazines/newspapers.
  • But I also vacation in places where I should not be exposing my eyes to. 
  • But I also open my mouth with anger and hurtful words and Lashon Hara, with words against good people...
  • But I also don't spend much time thinking about my relationship with Hashem. 
  • But I also look with envy at others. 
  • But I also check my phone messages during Daf Yomi...
  • But I also do business deals with just a little too much shrewdness...honesty? Halacha? I think it's ok....

Am I PREOCCUPIED with Torah and with what Hashem wants from me? Or am I preoccupied with what I can get out of life and the accomplishments I can make and the money to make and the food I can eat (with high quality hechsher of course) 

Doom and gloom can be harsh. 

But what way can he wake us up?? 

If we don't want to look at the earthquakes and weather and a star or planet that one might think is imaginary, just look around your neighborhood! 

  • Kids falling off the derech left and right.
  • Marriages collapsing weekly!
  • Children sick in the hospital with terrible diseases.
  • Couples without children waiting for years to give birth. 
  • Singles getting older and older as the Shidduch scene gets narrower and narrower. 
  • People burying loved ones from accidents or illnesses or even suicides all too often. 
  • Poverty sneaking up on people and losing their homes. 

Isn't that enough? Apparently it hasn't been. 

So either Rav Menachem can sit by and sigh as his fellow creations of Hashem are lost one by one, devoured by this lifestyle of living for THIS world, and having the world to come as a little afterthought each year around Rosh Hashem's time.....or he can risk getting Emails and comments like he is getting, and scream out to people to change their lives while we can. 

Put aside the doom and gloom - are you and I doing Teshuvah daily? 

Are we adding minutes each day to learning or davening or have we corrected our tzniut or our Shmirat aynayim?? 

So if you don't like doom and gloom....try looking at hospital wards or the list of Shidduchim or OTD list or any of the tzarus in the Jewish community....and let's get to work. 

  • No one likes to hear that the fires were because of Chilul Shabbos 
  • No one likes to hear that bad things happen because men at a Simcha are looking at women who aren't dressed tznius. 
  • No one likes Musar. 

No one 

One way or another we have to wake up. 

Hayinu k'cholmim (we will be like dreamers) 

Let's make sure we wake up with a smile and not into an eternal nightmare...
You matter!!!

You're actions thoughts and words matter. This is how we build our personal eternity and how we work as a Tzelem Elokim (in the image of Hashem) - we're creating our eternal reality. 

With or without doom and gloom the truth exists - 

Let's wake up and get going on building our best reality ever, with good deeds, increased delving into Torah, better tznius, deeper Tefillah and authentic Teshuvah, Building a deep relationship with Hashem. 

L'at l'at, but we need to get moving! 

Thank you Rav Menachem. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Guarding Our Eyes from our Hellenistic Surroundings

V'hayah lakhem l'tzitzit ur'item oto uz'khar'tem et kol mitz'vot Adonai
va'asitem otam v'lo taturu acharei l'vav'khem v'acharei eineikhem
asher atem zonim achareihem

And they shall be tzitzit for you, and when you look at them you will remember all of the Lord's commandments
and do them and not follow after your heart and after your eyes
which lead you astray.

 These cards came home with my son - 
the boys collect and trade in cheder.
Many are found on the streets and the boys 
gather them for their collection.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

V'HaKadosh Baruch Hu Matzileinu M'Yadam!"

Back To Egypt


NOW PLAYING Back to Egypt 1  Chanukah: The Book of the Maccabees Uncovered



Is Chanukah just a Jewish version of the winter holidays that every other religion also has - going all the way back to pagan times? What makes Chanukah special? -

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Anticipation is Making me Wait

Recall this video below? Stay with me below the video and the picture to see why I am posting it. AND DO STOP THE VIDEO AFTER THE SONG IS SUNG - OTHERWISE YOU WILL SEE a smutty woman (not lady - a lady dresses refine) wishing to show off her wares.

First, we have many rabbis (in Israel) telling the diaspora Jews to come home, right? And gedolim in Israel telling us that Moshiach is at the door - yet not mentioning all Yidden to come home as was done when Cyrus the Great, gave the Jews permission to return to Palestine. We have the rabbis in the States saying instead, don't go - unless you have parnassah -  a place to stay, and a place for chinuch for your children. (This is also said by gedolim in Israel - for example see here)

Or you have other rabbis telling them to "lech lecha" to other locations within the States - as mentioned in my post Aliyah - LechLecha! Oh Yeah?

So what is my point here - or rather what am I bringing up in this post of mine with the anticipation song....... Well, my fellow geula bloggers pretty much know that I have plans to come to Israel.....yesterday. I have cried - I have davened - I have been a nudnik to HaShem like a child asking for a lolly or sticky candy. Oh, yes, I have also sent many resumes out to Israel. (More about this in a moment). Now one of my strong points(???) is that I jump to take action when I desire something that I believe will be good for me. For instance, had I not jumped the fence to the side of emes 12 years ago - I would not have become a Jew. Had I not dived into the swimming pool to drive to New York from N.Carolina without a job lined up and a roof over my head - 12 years ago, I would have to take the longer route to convert. (My husband tells me that I jump in the swimming pool before looking to see that there is water in it!) hahaha. And so this is my character trait. FULL EMUNAH IN THE ONE ABOVE that He is taking care of me. 

So back to my story.... and the ketchup anticipation song. One of the resumes I sent out was in the area of Ness Ziona. Now I HaShem....could it be this is the job you have for me? After all, I thought I would be a great asset to their company. Funny that I should have a visitor from Ness Ziona come to my website (and not just one time - I have a repeat visitor from Ness Ziona). I have since removed posts that had my name attached to them. Now, as we all know, a prospective employer can google those interested in employment. I had one follow up call from the "Human Relations" department for the vacancy they had - stating that "so and so" would contact me. ON THE COUNT OF THREE SING WITH ME EVERYONE! Anticipation is keeping me w a i t i n g! After this call - I suddenly get visitors from Ness Ziona. Imagine that - actually I am smiling this way. Though I am a bit disappointed they rejected me because I am religious. Too bad - they truly missed out on having me come aboard their company. 

So now, back to the drawing board. Now that I had to cancel my ticket to Israel (reasons I won't get into) - I will now focus searching for work again. Guys help me out here - I can be great at voice overs (my acting days shine though I never made it to Hollywood) - audio for children's stories, executive administrative work - thought of opening my own business but would need backing). Anticipating emails now of offering to find me work in Israel / do smile

And the fact that cyclones / earthquakes / etc... are noted on mainstream media such as CNN's reporting of Tropical Cyclone Vardah
It makes me nervous that I am close to the water! Because I saw clips several years back of the Statue of Liberty drowning! Can't find the clip. If somebody can find that one -do post in comment. thanks.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

There is a Rule

There is a rule that if a person prays for another and needs the same thing, he is answered first.  The opposite is also true. If a person curses another, and seeks divine justice, his words can be heard on high. Even if he is a good person, he is punished  before the one he has cursed. If a person seeks divine retribution against another, he will not escape great evil. If one has the audacity to ask G-d to judge another, the record of his deeds is carefully examined, and all of his sins are recalled. source: The Torah Anthology Yalkut ME'AM LO'EZ parshot Chaya Sarah chapter 1

Redemption Unfolding in 5777

Just before "Yishmael" rose to prominence, a day or two before he could get into highest office and start World War III, God sent a messenger to depose him.

In other words, the Muslims and their sinister ideology gained tremendous power, with their huge wealth now at work for a good thirty years. This power went all the way up to becoming, in effect, the commander-in-chief of the United States Forces. The Muslim countries that "invested" in America in effect had finally what they wanted -- the Democratic establishment's leadership as their puppet. With money, they could remote control. If it's upheaval they wanted, upheaval they almost got. They had groomed Hillary as their surrogate.

Just then the Islamic juggernaut fell over the precipice!

For all it would have taken at this point was a win by Hillary Clinton. Clinton was the puppet remotely controlled for her greed and her disinterest in America’s welfare. To be sure she would toe the Muslim line, Hillary needed a chaperone. Hillary, in full cognizance of the game she was meant to play, in order that she feed her greed for money and power, had the Saudi Arabian spy-lady Huma Abedin as her right-hand advisor.

The Muslim Abedin grew up in the Clinton machine. But meanwhile another woman was growing up in the Trump family. She, it turns out, is Jewish. Thus, instead of some Muslim countries gaining choke-hold advantage, the Muslim gambit failed, and failed big, with the election of Donald Trump.

A Jewish girl took the place of the Arab girl. Evil had almost arrived at its pinnacle. The country would have become 3rd-world. At the last moment Good vanquished the evil. READ THIS IN FULL HERE

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Arab Knesset Member is taught Torah

Smiling at this secular Knesset Member giving over a drasha to an Arab Knesset Member

 My Open Letter to the Residents of Red Haifa I guess with all of your Arab Muslim neighbors burning your houses down, you won't be celebrating your co-existence (festival) this year. Perhaps you should learn to love your fellow Jews in Samaria just a few miles away. Stop worshiping your World Public Opinion Popularity god which seems to require that you hate Jewish settlers in Samaria as one of the tenets of your avodah. Intrinsically, it is a good thing to have a day recognizing co-existence between Haifa's monotheistic faiths, but not at the expense of the Jews who live in Samaria just a few miles away from you. And we all know that by the way Red Haifans vote, it has come at the expense of the Jews who are in the vanguard of protecting you rear end between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Let's not sugar coat that.

"Intifadah Eish"
24 Marcheshvan 5777

In case you are unaware of what's happening in Eretz Yisrael, 220 separate fires have been set across the country since Tuesday. But, the situation exploded to an entirely new level today as the city of Haifa became involved in a big way. Every news site bears the headline "Haifa Is Burning". TV coverage has been running a continuous live report throughout the day and now into the night.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016

Were You Also Born in Zion? REPOSTING

Ketubot 75A

But (54) of Zion it shall be said: “This man and that (55) was born in her; and the Most High Himself doth establish her (56); R. Meyasha, grandson of R. Joshua b. Levi, explained: Both (57) he who was born therein and he who looks forward to seeing it.(58)

54. The following paragraph, though irrelevant to the subject under discussion, is inserted here because of its author, R. Meyasha, who is also the author of the previous statement.
55. [H], lit., 'man and man'
56. Tehillim 87:5.
57. The inference is derived from the repetition of man (v. supra n.3)
58. Will be acclaimed as a son of Zion

Tehillim 87:5. And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her," and He will establish it on high.
ה. וּלְצִיּוֹן יֵאָמַר אִישׁ וְאִישׁ יֻלַּד בָּהּ וְהוּא יְכוֹנְנֶהָ עֶלְיוֹן:
6. [When] the Lord counts in the script of the peoples forever, [He will say,] "This one was born there."
ו. יְהֹוָה יִסְפֹּר בִּכְתוֹב עַמִּים זֶה יֻלַּד שָׁם סֶלָה:

***** ***** *****

A Right to Repent? - Part 2 Volume 25, No. 50

Our parashah opens: “V’hayah / It will be when you enter the Land that Hashem, your Elokim, is giving you as an inheritance, and you will possess it and dwell in it.” R’ Chaim Palagi z”l (1788-1868; Chief Rabbi of Izmir, Turkey) writes:

Our Sages teach that any verse that begins with the word, “V’hayah,” is an expression of joy. Thus, our verse is teaching that one who makes aliyah to Eretz Yisrael should do so with joy. It is wrong for a person to say, “I have to leave my home for health or financial reasons, so I may as well move to Eretz Yisrael,” R’ Palagi writes. Rather, aliyah should be motivated solely by the joy of living in such a holy place as Eretz Yisrael.

R’ Palagi continues: If, for whatever reason, a person is unable to move to Eretz Yisrael, he still must yearn for the Land, as we read (Tehilim 87:5), “But of Zion it can be said, ‘Man and man who was born there.” Why the redundancy (“man and man”)? The Gemara (Ketubot 75a) explains: “One who was born there and one who yearns to see it [is as if he was born there].” R’ Palagi notes: The gematria of Eretz Yisrael (832) equals the gematria of “tet lev” / “pay attention.” Then, Hashem will view one’s desire to perform this mitzvah as if the person had actually performed the mitzvah. However, if one refrains from moving to Eretz Yisrael simply because he is happy where he is, then he will be punished, concludes R’ Palagi. (Tochachat Chaim: Parashat Chayei Sarah)

*****     *****     *****
Now that we have absorbed all that is written above. I ask to you, dear reader, can you say that you, too, were also born in Zion? And if not, WHY can’t you say that!

Everyday we daven in our prayers 3 times a day for the galus to end – for the beis hamikdash and for moshiach to be here now. Do we visualize the beis hamikdash when we daven? Do we have Zion in our thoughts 24/7? When we are driving or walking to work or taking our children to school – are we crying out to the Ribbono Shel Olam to help us make a way to go home where we belong? Are you davening by rote or do the petitions of your prayers truly come alive for you? Are you visualizing exactly what you are davening? Are you yearning to go home to ZION?!!

Lump it or like it, as the saying goes in the South, the truth is – if one does not have this constant, non- stop yearning for this last galus to end – for the yearning to go home where we belong – the heart to heart talk to HaShem throughout the day while we are busy with our day to day responsibilities - then the question has been answered: You are not born in Zion. And this is saddens HaShem. So today – this very moment – cry out to the Ribbono Shel Olam to circumcise your heart so that you too can say with a pure heart that you are born in Zion. It only take one more neshama to tip the scale for this galus to end. WILL YOU BE THE ONE TO TIP IT?!?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

5777 The Elections Were "Rigged"


 The Elections Were "Rigged" - to hear click here

The Pasuk says in Divre HaYamim: "לְךָ ה' הַמַּמְלָכָה. וְהַמִּתְנַשּא לְכל לְראשׁ"-The kingship belongs to Hashem; He is the one who appoints leaders. The Gemara says on this Pasuk that any person who holds any position in this world was chosen for it only by Hashem. Even the most insignificant positions are appointed from Heaven. The Maharsha asks, why does the Gemara stress that Hashem decides the small positions? Seemingly, it would have been more of a novelty to stress that Hashem appoints even the top position, such as kings and world leaders. He answers that the Gemara wants to teach us the extent of Hashem's involvement with us. He doesn't only care about the major positions. He cares about everyone's role in life. Nothing is too insignificant for Him to be involved with.

The Sefer "Sha'are Kodesh" asks: Why does the Pasuk and the Gemara have to tell us that Hashem decides the leadership positions? Doesn't the Gemara state elsewhere that Hashem decides everything-even stubbing a finger is decreed from above? Isn't it obvious that He appoints leaders? He answers that we might tend to think that we actually have a say in who is chosen, because we were given free will, and we are the ones who cast the votes. Therefore, the Pasuk has to remind us that it's not really us. The extent of a person's free will is to choose between good and evil, between Mitzvot and Averot. Regarding other areas, we are influenced  by Hashem.

The Presidential election was rigged. But, not the way we think. Hashem chose whom He wanted in power-whether it was through us discovering certain information about a candidate or through the influence of the media. The fact that these two candidates were nominated to run for president, is, in itself, mind-boggling. The only explanation is "וְהַמִּתְנַשּא לְכל לְראשׁ". It was all orchestrated by Hashem for a reason we don't yet know.

After a leader is appointed, he is only a puppet in the hands of Hashem, as the Pasuk says in Mishle: "פַּלְגֵי מַיִם לֶב מֶלֶךְ בְּיַד ה' עַל כָּל אֲשֶׁר יַחְפֹּץ יַטֶּנּוּ"-The same way a person can direct a stream of water in any direction he wants, so too Hashem directs the heart of a king in the direction He wants.

Everything that happens in this world is for us to get closer to Hashem. If we are anxious about the future, we should turn to Hashem. If we want certain decisions to be made, we don't have to waste our time pleading with the puppets. We can go directly to the source-the One who is really in control and ask Him to sway hearts in the direction we desire.

May Hashem guide our leaders in a way that will benefit us and the Jewish people at large.

You can have part in the great zechut of spreading Emunah to thousands of people every day.

Daily Emunah is brought to you by Yeshiva Ateres Shimon of Far Rockaway, NY. In conjunction with YAD YOSEF Torah center of Ave. J (Brooklyn, NY)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

5777: The year of the Olive Branch and Eternal World Peace

22nd of Elul 5776 (September 25, 2016) – Netzach Yisrael Yeshivah, Yerushalayim 

5777: The Year of the Dove, the Olive Branch, and World Peace Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh’s Monthly English Broadcast 

1. MAY IT BE A YEAR OF… Today we're going to devote our thoughts to the coming year. The number of the year has many allusions. This coming year is 5777, according to the Jewish calendar, the number of years from creation. The way we usually count it is as 777, the 5000 being set apart. It is customary to create an acronym out of the letters that spell the 777, which are תשעז .The acronym which is customarily given starts with the two words, "May this be a year of…" (תַ נְ שׁ אֵ הֵ תּ .(And what we are asking for is to interpret the two final letters, which in our case are עז .So the full acronym depends on what the letters עז stand for. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Yom Kippur Massacre of 2016

Amazing what one click and another click, and yet another click brings on your screen. And all this time I was told/assured that the chickens would end up in our Yeshivas feeding our children - and going to poor people. After watching this, I will no longer use chickens for Kaporos. I will use money. This truly bothers me - a chillul HaShem - 

Though, I could agree to continue this custom if full-page ads were placed in the nonjewish papers FREE chickens to those is need! After all, who has time to soak, salt, and check if chickens are glatt on erev Yom Kippur?

I saw another video where a person video'd black bags with chickens - many were scattered on top of bags - near sidewalk - on street. I was going to post that video - however, the thought came to me that this person that video'd the black bags could very well have been the person who opened up the bags and threw the chickens all over the place. 

Here is one comment from the video below: So painful and sad to watch. The righteous indignation is heartbreaking.  So disconnected they are from the awareness of the suffering they inflict.  Trump's name invoked! The brainwashing of the children.  In the name of religion. All of this needs revealing, no doubt..shown to the world- where hopefully, the seeds of non-violence toward all living beings are planted and the expansion of love and compassion that's apparent in the film continues to flourish.  Thank you Danny, and all those who showed up to protest, for doing the courageous and necessary thing on behalf of the horribly victimized precious birds.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Portal in the Sky

*     ”The one who emanates G-dly light" the honored Rabbi Chaim Vital, of blessed memory. My words shall flow with the pleasantry and harmony of both together. "Hearken yea, and rejuvenate your souls" (Isaiah 55:3) with the words of the Arizal regarding the greatness of the Land of Israel. From just the edge of them you shall see visions of G-d. For are not his words based upon the passage from the Holy Zohar.

*     G'vilon - a portal located in the firmament above the Land of Israel. It extends upwards until it reaches the Divine Throne.

*     Megadon – 70 other portals with 70 guards at a distance of 2,000 cubits under G'vilon [main portal] – they don’t approach the main portal - From that portal [G'vilon ] towards all directions, until the gates of opening, is referred to as Megadon, where the end of the firmament of the boundary of the land of Israel lies."

*     Large opening in the middle of this gate and opening which is in line with Eretz Yisrael.

*     Around this large opening are 70 openings from which the 70 nations of the world receive their sustenance.

*     In that very gate there is a holy curtain (which is a garment as well and being that it is holy, it is not revealed in our time) which prevents the forces of the Other Side from being nurtured from the influx – as mentioned in the Zohar (Teruma 141a).

*     The opening is in the middle of the firmament and consequently influences the land underneath it. Yet there is another curtain [holding place for name] which functions as a preventative, so that the Other Side shouldn’t gain entrance to Eretz Yisrael.

*     This entrance is in line with the middle of all the firmaments until it reaches the level of “yesod of malchut”, the holy essential point of all the realms up to the Holy Throne; this is the very path that all souls upon sleeping and prayers use to ascend.

*     Even though the Zohar states elsewhere that “prayers ascend in the east and west”, that is in regards to the ascension through the airspace until they all meet under this portal.

*     These firmaments are not moveable. They are permanent; therefore their openings are constantly aligned directly over Eretz Israel. Yet the heavenly bodies do rotate around in the firmaments.

*     We find that our meaning of a “permanent firmament” refers to the one in which exists that portal.

*     When we refer to the rotating bodies, the rotating is done by the bodies not the firmament.

*     Rabbi Eliezer focused not on the path of orbit, rather the star that follows the path. For they have said, “the astrological zodiacal planetary force has a cycle, not the firmament”.

*     For the orbit and planet on its path are referred to as the planet alone. For the planet is the point of the orbit – its soul.

*     The orbit itself is of the aspect of the “Secret of the Igulim (circles) of each world.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Soul of the Convert and Much More

Converts are the vehicle by which supernal souls descend.....

All these holy and high Neshamot that are designated by the Blessed Holy One to go down below, as we explained, go out at specific times to play in Paradise. There they meet the souls of converts. One that takes hold of one of these souls, and unites with it, merits it, envelops itself within it, and goes out..."

All these holy souls come down into this world to inspire human beings and to take their places as is fitting for each one of them. When they come down each one clothed in those souls that we discussed [the souls of the converts], and that is how they enter into the holy seed......

The Nefesh of the convert is a garment that envelops the higher souls from the levels of Neshama and Ruach, and it is through this exterior garment that envelops them that the Neshamot and Ruchot enter into the physical world. In other words, the Nefesh of the converts is the interface between the higher souls and the physical world. SO WORTHWHILE TO READ/LEARN - FOUND HERE
There are the Nefashot of converts that fall out from the Kelipah of Nogah, which is composed of good and evil, as mentioned in Parshat Vayakhel, pg 203. They are from the marital intercourse of the souls of the tzadikim [righteous ones] that take place every night in the earthly Garden of Paradise, as mentioned in Beshalach, pg 188....... found here
And a big thanks to Rabbi Pinchas Winston who opens the eyes of those searching for emes. 

Will we recognize Kibbutz Golios once it begins? Yes and no, or rather, no and yes. Apparently there are two phases of the ingathering of the exiles. The first one occurs prior to the arrival of Moshiach, over time, and is less noticeable. The second one will be after Moshiach’s arrival, will occur at once, and will be apparent to all, as the following indicates: It is quite well known that God works measure-for-measure. Those who lived in the Diaspora and made efforts and sacrifices to elevate themselves by moving to the Holy Land merited purity of soul. They were not so concerned about their finances and health. They traveled over vast lands and crossed seas, not paying attention to the possibilities of drowning, being robbed along the way, or being taken captive by some strange foreign ruler. Being that they placed priority of their spirit over materialism and physicality, they merit, measure-for-measure, to be elevated to this lofty spiritual plane. On the other hand, you who also had opportunities to go up to Israel, but remained hesitant and reluctant, enamored instead with your materialistic status, making materialism a higher priority than spiritual growth, therefore, measure-for-measure, remain physical . . . However, for those who valued their soul most, they will be transformed into supernal beings and will be led into the earthly Garden of Eden. (Tuv HaAretz: Praise Of Those Who Dwell In Israel At The Time Of Moshiach)  read in full here 

I found Tuv HaAretz on Chabad and I am learning so much! I highly recommend everyone to read it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Hour of Fortune

This is a story about a king and his faithful servant called Yisroel. The King had many servants in the royal palace.........Of all the servants in the royal palace, the king favored Yisroel.....

....There was something in the way he served his Majesty the King. He did all in his power to please the king and to bring him delight and contentment. No wonder why the king favored him more than all the other servants in the royal palace....

 The king wished to promote Yisroel but to do so he had to pass a test.

....King: "Now, in appreciation for the many years of your faithful service, I am going to let you go into my room of treasures and permit you to take for yourself anything you wish." 

The king's favored servant, Yisroel, had but one hour 
in the room to gather treasures

......he passed through the two golden gates and headed for a large heap of sparkling diamonds piled up on the floor of the room.

......He reached out with both hands and was just about ready to dig his fingers in the pile of diamonds when all of a sudden something very strange happened, something very strange indeed.

For some mysterious reason, he remained standing completely motionless. He just stood there, gazing at the sparkling diamonds, without making any move at all.......


The king knew that Yisroel loved to listen to music. He enjoyed music more than anything else. So the king appointed one of the finest musicians to come along with him into the room of treasures and ordered him to play the finest pieces of music for one full hour. And this was the test. The king wanted to see what choice Yisroel would make. Would he spend every precious moment gathering up the royal treasures for himself? Or would he waste these precious moments just listening to music?

....Yisroel thought to himeslef, "Oh what lovely music. I must listen to this. I will spend just a few minutes listening to such fine music. And for the rest of the hour, I will gather these treasures for myself".....

Well, it just didn't happen that way, for just as a few minutes passed and the violinist noticed the Yisroel heading for the pile of diamonds, he began to play another piece of music. It was even more enchanting and finer than the music he played before....

Again and again this repeated itself until the hour was up.

Yisroel sadly bowed his head before the king.......and left the royal room of treasures empty-handed.

Well (dear readers), I would like you to know that there is something special about this story. That is, this is not just another story that happened a long, long, time ago. In fact, it's happening right now, and you are in the story!

For the king is this story is HaShem, the King of all kings, the Creator of the heavens and earth. And the servant in this story, why that's you! And the royal room of treasures, that is right here on the lovely world we live in. You see, HaShem places us on this world to live for a certain amount of time, and during this time we have to gather all of the wonderful treasures that He placed here.

.......So, let us remember this story, and whenever the Yetzer Hara tries to keep us from doing anything that's good, or tempts us to do anything wrong, let's not pay any attention to him at all. Instead, let's learn more and more Torah, and do as many mitzvos as we possibly can. And for this, HaShem will surely bless us all with a long life in good health and true happiness for all of us to enjoy, both on this world and in the world to come.

A gut gebentsht yohr,” 
“A good and blessed year” 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Am I Feeding the Sitra Achra?

 What happened today at work is rather funny. I opened the box of office supplies delivered to our floor and among the items in the box was this face mask. 

Now why in the world would the supply office send this to an early childhood center? I did not place the order for the supplies, yet I was the lucky one to open and distribute. Is this happenstance? Hmmm, I don't think so. Especially with all that is taking place now with riots, stabbings from the ISIS brainwashed puppets, etc. We called the office supply vendor - it was a mistake in packing. Nope, I think it could be a clear message to me to get for my family. I have been told by a blogger that by talking about all the bad taking place - I am feeding the dark side and making it stronger. Thoughts anyone? I direct you to this exciting blog post

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jewish Matzeva-Headstone?

Do you see what I see? 2 doves with their beaks down facing towards each other. I see 2 vav's with a shin between them - a zayin on the left - a shin in the middle and a bent over dalet that at first glance I thought could be a gimel. Nu? What do you see? 

Do leave in the comments links of other matzevot if you would be so kind to help me out. This was found on my great grandmother and grandfather's headstone in the year 1954 when grandma died - "zeide" died in 1946. My reader's know my story. 

Please email to those you know ie monument engravers, Jewish cemetery 
researchers, etc.. . so excited at the possibility of this indeed being a Jewish engraving. Please forward this post around the world. I would be forever grateful - thank you!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Keys to Parnasa Part I

Parnasa Deterrents from Keys to Parnasa

Advice and Segulos for Parnasa and Wealth
A Treasure Trove From Our Sages and Rabbinical 
Authorities Throughout the Ages

Supported and encouraged by my master and teacher
Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a

Maran HaGaon HaRav CHAIM KANIEVSKY shlit"a

After reviewing this work the Rav said,
It is accurate information from Chazal. With HaShem's help, may it yield the desired results. Blessing and success to all who will use it.

Over the years, many people have asked me to compile advice and segulos for parnasa and wealth from the wisdom of Chazal and from what I received verbally and in writing from gedolei Yisroel. We find in the midrash (Yalkut Shimoni, Mishlei 960): "If you come to take advice from the Torah, you may do so." Having seen much success from those who followed this counsel, I agreed to publish it.

May this work increase the honor of Torah and its splendor and be beneficial to the readers: they should be blessed from the Source of all blessings and merit a life of wealth, honor and all good.

Eagerly anticipating salvation,
Aharon Yehoshua Pessin
Sivan 5776

(if typing errors - they are from this blogger. I hope to have Part II 1-28 up as fast as I can type it.)

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)

43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))

 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))
 Parnasa Deterrents:

29. “Whoever scoffs, his income diminishes.” (Avodah Zara 18b. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 page 492)

30. Tear up paid loan documents and do not retain them. Be exceedingly careful not to be involved in lending or borrowing money with interest to Jews. Protest against people who sin when you have the ability to do so. Honor your pledge to tzedaka and ensure you pay what you committed to on time. Do not withhold payments of laborers. Do not cast off your responsibilities and place them on your friends. Avoid being arrogant due to your wealth. (Sukkah 29b, Bava Metziah 71a. For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 1 pages 370-371, vol 2 pages 122,405,445 and vol 3 pages 274,436)

31. Quarreling and immorality decrease one’s sustenance. (Otzar HaMidrashim, Chupat Eliyahu)

32. Bread in a basket hanging in the house can bring one to poverty. Be sure to sweep bread crumbs off the floor as having crumbs in the house and stepping on them can lead to poverty. A plate placed over the opening of a barrel brings one to poverty. (Pesachim 111b)

33. Avoid: 1. wearing expensive clothes which wear out quickly. 2. Using expensive glass vessels that break easily. 3. Hiring employees and not supervising them. (Bava Metziah 29b, Chulin 84b according to Rashi)

34. Rabbi Akiva said: anyone who doesn’t occupy himself in Torah study causes poverty to his children. (Kalla 1:20.For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 3 page 457)

35. If one does not give charity to the poor, HaShem will make him poor. (Temurah 16a)

36. “Anyone who sets his eyes upon something that is not his, what he seeks they do not give him, and what is in his hands, they take from him.” (Sota 9a)

37. Treating lightly the mitzvah of washing the hands before eating bread causes poverty. (Shabbos 62b

38. “Whoever does not leave over bread on his table after his meal will never see a sign of blessing.” (i.e. his labor will never be blessed with success. The gemara teaches that one should leave over some of his meal on his table so that a poor, unexpected guest might find something ready to eat. Rashi to Sanhedrin 92a)

39. One who is not willing to go beyond the letter of the law for the poor will become impoverished. (Bava Metziah 33a)

40. One should ensure that his wife remains happy, as an angry wife can destroy the home. (i.e. deplete one’s entire estate, Sota 3b)

41. One who ridicules the poor will become poor himself. (Otzar HaMidrashim, P’sikta page 497)

42. Anywhere HaShem’s name is mentioned in vain, poverty is found. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 22)
43. One who causes sorrow to his friend will become poor; hence, he will be in sorrow. (Ma’alos Hamidos, page 165)

44. “One who is lenient about mayim achronim, from Shamayim they will be lenient regarding his income [i.e. reduce it].”. (Aruch HaShulchan Ohr HaChaim 181:5 based on Responsa from Shamayim simanh 57.  For the explanation of the measure for measure in this, see Middah K’Negged Middah vol 2 page 379)

45. A segula for one to be saved from financial debts is to accept on himself other debts – “spiritual debts”! The more “debts” he has in learning i.e. commitments to learn specific things at specific times), and the more he feels his commitment to learn as a real debt, the more his financial debts will disappear. (Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a))